Friday, 28 October 2011

They hate Diwali…..

They hate Diwali…..

BOOM BOOM, anywhere, everywhere.. its Boom. Big boom, small boom, flashy boom, colourful boom, continues booms,,,,…… all types of BOOM. These Diwali booms have been intoxicating for their exploders. They set fire on the tail and after few moments of teasing silence, big BOOM.... This noisy boom provided immeasurable joy to them. With each boom, birds left their nests, small children closed their ears, senior citizen shut their windows and she shivers.

Shanti hated Diwali for its boominess.
Today she was sleeping happily after evening meal and suddenly a bomb busted ..
BOOM. She suddenly woke up and saw some children holding that evil things in their hands. Before she recover from early boom, unleashed another chains of BOOMs…. Shanti’s heart halted for a moment “ Oh god diwali arrived” She thought. She rushed to find place where she can save herself from noise. She went to society garden, parking slots, backyard, passage,, every reachable place where she can go. Night of Diwali supposed to be jubilating night but for her it turns out to be  nightmare. She could not find a place where boom has not reached. Her ears were splitting and head was spinning with each boom. Too much noise was unbearable and unavoidable.

Finally she found a dark corner in an empty garage, where she found bit solace. She breathed and sat down, wondering “ what happens to these peoples in Diwali ? Why they turn Crazy and create lots of noise and smoke ?”

Having lost in these thoughts, she felt asleep.

Jadeja( M47) a flabby man, with golden chain dangling across the neck came down with bags of fireworks, mostly bombs and other noisy crackers. Jadeja was owner of famous jewellery shop of the town and have great enchant for fireworks during Diwali. He used to spend lavishly on fireworks, specially bombs ; laxmi bomb, sutri bomb, new Super Atom bomb etc. Certain bombs were banned by government due to their high noise levels but Jadeja managed to procure them somehow, just to satisfy his hunger for more noise.

He parked the car in the garage and locked it, trapping Shanti inside.
Jadeja started bursting his crackers outside the garage. Shanti trapped inside started feeling jitters as she heard human chattering outside.
Jadeja placed a Laxmi bomb, torched it and after few seconds
Big BOOM. BOOM  rocked the buildings nearby and rattled Shanti.

Jadeja’s ears had no impact of noise. Either he had turned deaf or his ears were made of steel. Jadeja kept bursting newer and noisier bombs to entertain himself while Shanti suffering immensely. Shanti ran haphazardly in dark garage just to avoid the noise but could not find the way out. She tried to open the door but she could not. Poor Shanti struggled hard to liberate herself from Jadeja’s noisy crackers but unfortunately failed at each attempt. She moaned and moaned, hoping someone will listen ! If Shanti would have been human, she could have scream like hell or would have kicked the door to open or at least, she could have closed her ears with hands tightly. But Shanti could not do any of above, as she was a dog. A stray dog… Shanti crumpled herself beneath the car, with a hope that someone will open the door and rescue her from this noisy hell.

Nakhusi was Jadeja’s third daughter. Nakhushi means “unwanted”.  An orthodox Indian male, Jadeja wanted his first child to be Boy. First child born at Jadeja’s house was a girl and not a boy, disappointing Jadeja.  Second child was also girl and Jadeja disappointed even more. Jadeja family did everything to praise the luck, for third child. They went to temples & astrologers, did fasting, fed cows.. etc.. But again third child was also, a Girl. Jadeja’s dream was shattered.  He wanted a son to handle his empire and girls will ruin his vision. Jadeja and his boy-crazy family was so dejected that they named 3rd  girl child “NaKhusi(unhappiness)” as that girl was unwanted.

We have society where, boy-girl ratio is steadily declining and tradition as naming “Nakhusi “ is also in practice, simultaneously .  This the height of illiteracy !   (

Nakhusi is fifteen years old and she has never been interested in any celebration. Nakhusi has been reserved girl all these years. She has been dropped from school after 8th grade and mostly confined to the walls of kitchen. She has developed good culinary skills and that’s the only purpose she had to live for, cooking. Everyone in house, used to praise Nakhusi for her cooking talent and comment on luck of her future husband. Nakhusi used to take appreciation with silent smile but within her she hated these fake verbose. Her emotions have always been confined to herself. She was like deep stable sea on surface with carnivorous angry predators surfing inside. She has just one question to ask “Why she has named Nakhusi ?”….

She was always reluctant in celebrating festivals as Holi, Diwali, Navratri... She could not bear noise as our dog, Shanti. Mostly, she remained inside during Diwali celebrations and keeping herself busy in making sweets, snacks and other food items, just to avoid being outside with family. And family also never bothered about her presence !!

Jadeja wanted hot badam (almond) milk for his guests. Nakhusi got order to make five glasses of badam milk. Jadeja unpacked a banned Bomb call, SUPER ATOM.  He explained to his guests that this is the loudest bomb, ever made.

As she was preparing, SUPER ATOM exploded.. BOOOOOM.. Nakhusi closed her ears and collapsed on floor and in garage, Shanti shivered and perturbed animal  ran to garage door and started crying loudest as possible seeking attention. But amidst cracking fireworks, who has ear to listen poor dog’s pleas ??

Nakhusi came outside with 5 glasses of milk and served. While serving, her ears heard something unpleasant from garage. She went to the garage and opened the door and found poor Shanti shivering in fear. Their eyes met and she understood her pain…

Nakhusi led Shanti at basement, where old furniture and other material were stored. At basement it was relatively peaceful.  Dusty basement was the only shelter for these two. Nakhusi placed her hand on Shanti’s body..  just to feel her shivering  … Shanti’s shivering was  like echoing  Nakhusi’s beating heart.  Nakhusi caressed her to calm herself. Shanti looked at Nakhusi, giving a thankful gesture. Unseen bond between two females established.

Today, after years of blockade, tears stormed out of Nakhusi’s eyes.. She hugged Shanti and cried heavily, venting all her pent-up emotions..

Human are like that only”.. they concluded. They both hate Diwali…


Friday, 14 October 2011

NRI's Greencard


NRI’s Green Card

Dharam Patel was on his way towards Chicago from Delhi, with his 78 years old mother. This was not the first time, Dharam was travelling to US. He has made few trips before, but this trip was special one ! This time Dharam Patel was travelling to US, as US citizen for the first time !


Since childhood, Dharam has dreamt about to be a US citizen. This dream had become sole ambition in his youth and reason for existence.

Childhood experiences play an important part in the development of an individual and in shaping one’s belief system as an adult. When Dharam was 7 years old, his uncle Rammu had migrated to US. Prior to migration, Rammu was working in ground-nut oil factory along with Dharam’s father at Limbdi, small town in west of Gujarat. Rammu was considered as useless, due to his lazy and carefree nature. Fortunately Rammu got chance to migrate to US in early eighties. After four years, Rammu has returned as much wealthier and healthier. With new whitish grace on his face, in jeans pants and smiley T-shirts, Rammu was changed person. A useless ground-nut factory worker had turned into a HERO of his family. He has brought a big LEGO game for Dharam. This LEGO game has made Dharam, a smaller HERO among his childhood friends. Rammu’s changed personality and Lego game has played vital role in shaping belief in Dharam’s mind, that “US is place of Miracles, where Zero becomes Hero”.

Whenever Rammu came to India, Dharam got engrossed by Rammu’s explanation of US’s infrastructure and IT systems. Rammu has posted the photograph of new car from US. Looking at the Car, entire family gasped. That car was bigger than owner of Ground-nut mill owner, richest man of Limdi. The photo of his car was circulated among town people and everyone was looking at it with surprised eyes. Dharam has noticed those surprised eyes.

As Dharam grew, he witnessed other US success stories in his town and he also started dreaming about settling in US. As Dharam turned 18, he started watching English movies and reading English magazine to prepare himself for US society. On his insistence, Rammu has sponsored his first US trip during college vacation for one month on tourist visa.

When he first went to US as tourist, he was 20 years old. He was amazed by Chicago’s infrastructure, big roads, huge and glittering malls, cleanliness.. Everything was controlled by machines and working automatically. It was exactly as he has imagined.  When he went to Wallmart, he was shocked by the sheer size of mall and abundance of material. A WALLMART store had more products than entire town of Limbdi can consume.  From toilet papers to vending machines to Sears Tower, each thing had surprise-glamour-element for small Towner, like Dharam.

After returning to India, Dharam’s ambition to settle in US, had become obsession. It was like child hates go to School, after long family vacation, Dharam did not liked to meet anyone, talk to anyone and totally engrossed in US memories. His clothing sense and voice accent changed, became more American. One more change occurred as by-product of his US fascination.  After US visit, he started developing kind of discontent towards smallness of his town. Road Potholes, Open Garbage, barking stray dogs, Cow-sheets on street, Haribhais’ shabby grocery store, Beggars, Electric shortages, etc..  which he ignored before, started hating now. He started comparing Wallmarts seal-packed Tomatoes to Limbdi’s road-side vegetable vendor’s tomatoes and obviously he found Wallmart’s Tomatoes were bigger and juicier !!! He was measuring a full developed consumerist country, world’s economic super power AND newly developing country, which has missed early nineteenth industrialization, ruled by foreign powers for 500 years, diverse society, cast creed based mind-sets, huge population to feed, …..  with same yardstick !!!!

Dharam begged his uncle Rammu to file Greencard application for him, which he did. Unfortunately on 10 November 1986, US Authorities rejected Dharam’s  Greencard application for unknown reason. It was black day of his life.. He was very optimistic that soon he will get the  Greencard and  leave this dusty country and settle in Chicago to eat Wallmart’s juicy tomatoes... His plan was failed and future seemed bleak now. Along with him, his family was also grief stricken. Prior to rejection, Dharam got marriage proposals from wealthy families but as application rejected, proposals were also dropped down. A thought that he has to settle in India for entire life was unbearable.

As time passed, Dharam has made compromise with his destiny and stared working in ground-nut factory, along with his father, harbouring dream of settling in US. His dream got wilted but not shattered. Every day he used to pray intently to Indian God to find way to United states of America.. Ultimate path of Nirvana for him....

After period of 5 years, his prayers were heard. Son of ground-nut mill owner was settled in US and was in Motel business. During his India visit, Dharam met him and shown his desire to work at Motel. Fortunately he was also looking for a young man, who can take care of his new Motel at Denver. He wanted a Indian guy who can work for 24X7 as Motel caretaker/manager/accountant/servant and who can be financially trusted. As Dharam went to his house with all his credentials and begged him for the job. Dharam was fitting the bill since he could speak English and shown his hard-working ability at Ground-nut factory. Since their family-relation was also very old, Dharam can be easily trusted for his loyalty. Even though Dharam hated Indian environment, it’s Indian culture of mutual trust and social bonding, helped him to reach at his dream destination.

Dharam did everything to materialize the opportunity. He has applied for employment H1 visa. Dharam has leant that US immigration authorities were reluctant in  giving Visas to people with surname “Patel”, he changed his Surname is Limbasia.. Dharam Patel has became Dharam Limbasia. This has also helped him to hide his previous rejected Greend card application.

Finally, by God’s grace, Dharam Limbasia’s H1 visa application was approved. At that night, Dharam’s father had given party to entire town of Limdi. Dharam has reached to Denver under H1 visa for 5 years. He was resolved to get Greencard in 5 years. For convenience purpose, Dharam has changed his name to “David”. Dharam patel has become Dharam Limbasia, and now Dharam Limbasia has become Just David, anything for America..

David worked very hard for 5 years at Motel and earned quite good amount of Dollars. Unfortunately, David could not convert his H1 visa into Greencard in 5 years. After 5 years, David’s H1 visa’s extension application was rejected. Going back to India was not an option, and David started living in US illegally, working at very low wages. As per 2007 figures, appx. 12.5 million Illegal migrants were residing in US. Illegals have to take   certain pre-cautions to save oneself from authority. F.eks David refrained from driving cars as it was easiest way for authorities to catch illegals. David lived under constant fear of being caught and deported back.  Once illegal David went to Wallmart to buy juicy Tomatoes and found Police(Cops) cars parked outside. He locked himself in Toilet for 2 hours, till he made sure that Police have left.

For David, internally it was painful to stay in somebody’s home without permission, but he was helpless against his own wishes. He was waiting for good time, same way he has waited to get US visa in Limbdi, 10 years ago.

Good time has come. Rammu has arranged a US girl who can marry David, just for Greencard purpose.  David never knew the name of that girl till marriage day. Generally Marriage considered very sacred union of two souls but David’s marriage was a business deal between two parties. Girl from North Virginia, US and boy from Limbdi, India stuck a deal to get married. Sometimes rational Mind is such flexible entity, which compromises with all its beliefs, ideals, principles(temporarily)  just to meet the selfish motives.  Money is great unifier.

They went to marriage registrar office and got married on paper. David’s Greencard application was filed and Girl was paid 10,000 USD. Within a year David received Greencard. Once David received Green card, David has filed for divorce for his marriage, which never existed. Finally on 1 Nov 1996, Dharam Patel aka David Limbasia has become US citizen after Neutralization ceremony, where he took oath to be loyal to US constitution.

He gave grand party to his friends at Denver. He drunk till midnight. Finally his childhood dream to became US citizen has realized. He was proud happy person. He explained all the sacrifices he made to make his dream come true. He boasted himself for his achievement and his guests reciprocated. At that night he decided to travel to India after long 10 years, as US citizen.

At India, old muddy roads of Limbdi, small shops, cow-shit’s filled lanes, small Tomatoes did not irritated him any longer because internally he was no longer part of it. He was relieved by the fact that these things does not belongs to him any longer. “India will remain like this only, but who cares” He thought.


Airhostess announced that flight will land at Chicago Airport shortly. After flight landed, David and his mother were reached at immigration counter. At immigration counter, there was a crossway: There were separate counters for US citizen and others travellers. Dharam’s mother supposed to join others queue and Dharam turned towards US citizen counters....

Why the hell Dharam was feeling pain!  Why he feeling his steps are so heavy !! He turned around to see his mother, going away from him… He felt like entire India is moving away from him… After all 5000 years of old civilization, had some influence on his unconscious mind.. If glamor of consumerist economy has influenced his conscious mind, Indus civilization has footprint in his conscious mind.

For short while images of Limbdi, it’s cows, his people filled streets, Haribhai of small grocery store, his childhood schools, ... everything just passed by his eyes.. All of them are no longer part of him... and he felt NUMB.. He never felt this feeling !!! .. His love for his motherland suddenly erupted.

At immigration counter officer asked him “ So you are US citizen !!

Dharam replied  NO sir,, I am NRI (non resident Indian)...”

The End
