Thursday, 1 March 2012

Two Drops of Life !!

At 8 AM, She arrived at railway station. Trains were on schedule so far. People were sipping tea, Coolies are preparing for new day and never sleeping railway station was on it’s way to greet new day.  She was the first person to arrive from her team. She prepared her kit, wore the campaign cap and without waiting for other team members, she began her work,, to spot the children.

Laxmi(F 65) was working as volunteer for Polio day campaign, a campaign planned by India to eradicate polio from the country. The health workers and volunteers on Polio day, assemble at public places, with their polio kit and vaccinate the child, by two drops of life as they advertise.
 As Laxmi spotted the first child of the day, she went to him and ask his parents “ Polio drops pilaya ?” Mother nodded negatively.  Laxmi poured two drops of Polio vaccine into baby’s mouth. While pouring the drops, Laxmi saw the eyes of child and found her God in it. Mother gave her thanking look and they boarded the train. Laxmi felt elated. She had just contributed in protecting a child from disease. It was fantastic feeling.

Slowly her team members arrived and they also joined the drill. At age of 65, Laxmi was most energetic worker among all. She was totally focussed on her work. She continuously spot children, inquire and if required feed them polio drops. Then get back to her seat and wait for another child.
She spotted a couple with a child, running to catch the train. Laxmi interrupted their rush and asked for Polio drops ! Mother wanted to stop, but impatient father urged her to forget and get on the train as they were late. Mother was confused. Laxmi understanding the predicament, with authoritarian voice ordered “ Stop, vaccinate your child”.. Father angrily replied “ we will miss the train” Laxmi replied in same manner “ So be it, don’t miss the train of life”.. Father was taken aback by Laxmi’s sheer authority and conviction. Lamxi poured the drops and couple hurriedly boarded the train. Mother winked her hands to Laxmi from window, thanking her. Laxmi  smiled in relief.

Shilpa, a young collegian girl in Laxmi’s team had very big competitive ego. She believed that life is competition and she has to win always..  Looking at Laxmi’s relentless pursuit of children and vigour to give them polio vaccine, her competitive urge invoked. She took Laxmi’s pursuit as challenge and decided to spot more children than her. She forgot that she is competing with woman much older and wiser. When Laxmi spotted a child, Shilpa used to follow her and reach to the child faster, giving winning look to Laxmi. She was finding match-winning fun in this.  Laxmi tolerated her childish behaviour silently. For her, child and polio drops were more important than anything else.

Acts without inner commitment and merely provoked by ego, fades fast. As story of hare and tortoise, Shilpa got tired at the evening and her ego dried out. Laxmi was tired too but she wanted to remain at station till her Polio kit was over. Shilpa urged her that their schedule timing is till 6 PM and they have to stop their campaign after that.  Laxmi was firm that she will not leave the station, till her kit is finished. Shipla urged other team members to persuade Laxmi to end-up the task as scheduled. She argued that if Laxmi stays back, then entire team also had to stay back as matter of principle. Getting into Shilpa’s argument, whole team urged Laxmi to finish, but Laxmi was firm and least bothered about her team. She bluntly told everyone that she will not leave the station, till she has last drop of Polio Kit. Team had no answer.
Shilpa hurt by her own ego, left the station in anger which had no impact on Laxmi. Slowly rest of the crew also left, leaving Laxmi behind.  Laxmi was busy in her noble task.

During Night time, Railway station became more lively, messy  and  filled by more passengers. In the crowd of passengers, it was difficult for Laxmi to reach out to needy children but she kept going. Trains were arriving and departing, passengers were moving haphazardly, burdened coolies, TCs surrounded by waitlisted passengers with money-filled fists, few baggers identifying their possible customers.. among all these Laxmi kept on finding her babies and pouring 2 drops of life. Her body was aching, her old legs were tired, her head was spinning in pain but she ignored her body cries and cribs. She kept her body dragging in pursuing her babies. When she felt giddy, she sat and drank a drop of water, ate a biscuit and re-energized again… She continued till 11.30 PM, till her kit was over. After pouring last drop into a baby’s mouth, she felt relieved and relaxed. She can excuse herself now. She has done what best she can do.

She knocked the door of her house and heard the noise of metallic leg braces. Puja, her younger daughter, opened the door.  Laxmi saw her daughter in leg braces, her legs were eaten by Polio. Laxmi who was vaccinating numerous babies on polio day, failed to vaccine her own daughter from Polio !!!
Twenty years ago, Laxmi was residing in small town. After giving measles vaccine, Puja got high fever. Town people told her that Gods were angry on her.. As result, Laxmi refrained from any other vaccination for her children. Laxmi ignored Polio dosage and but Polio did not spare Puja. Virus ate her legs and now Laxmi is regretting for not vaccinating Puja against Polio.
Now Whenever Laxmi looked at Puja in leg braces, she felt terrible guilt and felt responsible for her misery. She could not go to the past and correct her mistake, but surely can contribute in saving other children from becoming victim of Polio.
Tonight she slept, remembering faces of all the children, she has attended. She felt proud on herself and her guilt-ridden-soul relaxed bit.  
Two drops of life, can make or break the leg braces

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