Saturday, 3 March 2012

Corruption in Blood

As a writer I generally, take inspiration from my past incidents which I have heard or experienced. I still remember one such incident which was narrated by my brother 15 year ago when I was teenager and he was struggling to establish his first business. He told me that he has given bribe of Rs. one lakh to minister as part of the business deal. The minister had taken oath just few hours ago and it was his first bride deal after becoming minister. He was so excited and eager to feel the money that he called meeting at midnight to clear the papers. After clearing the papers at 1 am, he travelled 150 kms with my brother to collect the cash. When he touched the cash at 3 Am he relaxed as if he has got the fruit of his hard work. My story "Corruption in Blood" revolves around this real incident.

State Minister of heavy industry Murty Rai (MR, M 55)) had a meeting with Shah Business group. Shah group had business plan to invest 100 cr in the state mining industry. They wanted govt permission and assistance to establish the necessary infrastructure. MR and his bureaucratic team, were listening to the proposal, presented by Junior Shah. While Jr Shah was describing the benefits enthusiastically,  Senior Shah was observing MR's reaction. MR had done his homework and knew the financial strength and business intentions of Shah Group. Honestly, He arranged this meeting just to finalize the bribe amount. 

As Jr Shah was elaborating the proposals and its benefits to state people, MR grew impatient, as if he was least bothered about it. He intervened and asked " All these tech details you can discuss with my state secretary. ' Then he adjusted his glass, cleared his throat, hunched forward and whispered “ Explain, how will I benefit ? " It was quite upfront and naked exhibition of MR's immoral desire. 

Jr Mehta did not quite understood the meaning of MR’s question, but Sr Mehta red the wide open eyes of MR. He had dealt with many politicians like MR in past and red their greedy eyes many times.  He ordered his team to vacate the room and wait outside. When everybody left, MR felt like he is facing open vault filled with golden biscuits. He required just to fill his bags with biscuits. So tempting  !!

Sr Mehta offered partnership but MR was interested in raw cash. Finally after intense bargain one crore was decided. Half the amount should be paid in advance and half after proposal is passed. Knowing the MR's reputation Shah had brought 50 lakh with him. Money made MR happy and smile flickered on his face first time since morning. His attitude changed and become friendlier and warmer with Shah. He thanked and assured his help.

Shah's proposal file moved from table to table like a bullet train, very rare as per government standards. Money's magical power had charged up lazy bureaucrats and the proposal was passed within a week. Finally MR signed the proposal and granted legal license to Shah Group to commence the mining project. Sr Shah thanked MR for unbelievable efficiency shown by his team and promised to pay the balance fifty lakh next week when he will return to India. MR agreed. 

That afternoon MR supposed to attend his Party workers gathering at Azad maidan(Ground). He supposed to give inspirational speech to his party workers gathered from every part of the state. Internally he hated this kind of public function because of its dusty, hot environment and messiness. He was accustomed to air conditions, soft chairs and clean surroundings. But as party leader he had to do all these non-sense drill. He had to maintain impression of mass leader who had ability to attract, appeal and appease common man by his inspiring speeches. 

MR arrived at venue in his open jeep. The Azad ground was filled by party workers and he was greeted by his younger brother Subba Rai(M 45). Subba was very obedient young brother of MR. He was manager of his political activities and accountant of his black financial transactions. He kept track of all business deals of MR.  He had arranged this party meeting as routine PR activity. He handed over the speech to MR. Speech written by well known bollywood dialogue writer had all the emotional ingredients to impress the public.

While MR was mesmerizing people by his eloquence, professional sharp shooter Hayan targeting him from distance.  Hayan had focussed his rifle's focal lance on MR and waiting from perfect posture to shoot. As MR turned right his skull became clear to Hayan and he shoot..... First bullet hit MR's forehead and second bullet pierced his neck. MR fell down, agonizing in pain. 
Hayan disappeared soon after and every one was clueless about who fired the bullets. Subba rushed to his brother and placed his face on his lap. MR's blood was flowing profusely. Adding misery, his jeep also did not start due to technical error. Party workers rushed to arrange another vehicle to carry MR at nearest hospital. Suddenly all the vehicles were out of sight.

MR was losing his life. He opened his mouth to utter last words .. " 20 lakh Ruia " he murmured, Subba was listening intently. "  40 lakh Kotak " he continued.  Subba nodded "yes and .. " MR assembled his left over energies and groaned"  50 lakh Mehta and …one crore...." Subba asked impatiently "One crore WHOM !!?

But before MR could answer He passed away, leaving Subba fuming. "He should have told about One crore at first  " He angrily murmured and dumped his brother's dead body on ground. Very next moment he realized the situation. He grabbed MR's dead body and started crying loudly. 

Once MR dead body was taken, Subba went to reporters and told them  about MR’s last words  before dying  Bhaiyaaji apologized everyone for not able to serve any longer and he thanked God for everything. He gave me his blessing to fulfil his dreams.”  Thus He was indirectly nominating him as his political heir. The party workers started crying, listening to Subba’s statement. Well as we know his brother's last words were about his due bribe transactions and nothing else. He lived for money and died with money in his heart. He had corruption in his blood.

As expected Subba won the election and lobbied hard for his brothers ministerial berth. He succeeded and become heavy industry minister as his brother. His dream came true. After swearing in ceremony he resumed his duty as minister for first time. His first task was to collect balance amount from Ruia, Kotak and Shah. He also wanted to fish out one crore details.

Even though Subba has been part of numerous bribe transactions of MR, he has not received any bribe as minister, for himself. Till now he has acted as agent of his brother, from today he will be Master and collecting money for himself. He had planned out every details: How to raise bribe rates, How to attract more business deals? What is unexplored business area ? Where to invest ? etc… He was very much eager to get his first bribe as minister.

While he was engrossed in such thinking, he received call from Sr Shah. Shah offered his consolation for MR’s death. Subba was least interested on MR’s death but waiting to talk about 50 Lakh and Shah was not sure whether to take matter with Subba or not ! Finally breaking the mould of hesitation, Subba asked him about fifty lakh’s donation, MR has told about. Shah replied that he can give the donation amount, whenever he wants. Subba was excited by the offer. He could not hide his greed to own fifty lakhs. Subba replied that he wanted his donation by tonight. Shah replied that cash is lying at his house at Bandongri and by he will arrange somebody to deliver cash to Subba’s residence tomorrow but Subba could not wait for tomorrow. Bandongri is hill station 150 Km, far from Subba’s residence. He replied that he will travel 150 Km tonight only to receive the cash. Sr Shah was amazed by Subba’s hunger for Money.

That night, forgetting all ego and ministerial proud, Subba Rai travelled 150 Km in his private vehicle to Bandongri. In the path, he did not see the poor slum, queue of women at water tap, hungry roadside children, tattered govt school, potholes on roads…. he was busy in financial planning of his 50 Lakhs instead.

When he reached to Shah’s house, he sent his driver to collect the cash. Those last minutes was unbearable.. he could not wait any longer.. his heart was thumping for. Money .. money .. my money!! He was wondering what will be the colour of suitcase !! Red, black.. and he blushed.. Finally driver returned, holding the black suitcase along with Jr Shah.

As driver reached, Subba just snatched the suitcase. He opened it and felt the smell of money… Jr Shah invited the minister for dinner but he did not have time. Without answering or looking at Jr Mehta,  He just got into his car and drove off.

His car stopped at one shabby apartment. His driver came out with same suitcase. He went inside the apartment. He knocked the door and one shabby hand came out. He handed over the cash. Hand grabbed the suitcase and door was closed. Driver returned to the car and drove off.

That hand belonged to Hayan. MR’s non functional jeep and delay in arranging other vehicle at time of his death, was not accidental, incidental.

Written By


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