Friday, 28 October 2011

They hate Diwali…..

They hate Diwali…..

BOOM BOOM, anywhere, everywhere.. its Boom. Big boom, small boom, flashy boom, colourful boom, continues booms,,,,…… all types of BOOM. These Diwali booms have been intoxicating for their exploders. They set fire on the tail and after few moments of teasing silence, big BOOM.... This noisy boom provided immeasurable joy to them. With each boom, birds left their nests, small children closed their ears, senior citizen shut their windows and she shivers.

Shanti hated Diwali for its boominess.
Today she was sleeping happily after evening meal and suddenly a bomb busted ..
BOOM. She suddenly woke up and saw some children holding that evil things in their hands. Before she recover from early boom, unleashed another chains of BOOMs…. Shanti’s heart halted for a moment “ Oh god diwali arrived” She thought. She rushed to find place where she can save herself from noise. She went to society garden, parking slots, backyard, passage,, every reachable place where she can go. Night of Diwali supposed to be jubilating night but for her it turns out to be  nightmare. She could not find a place where boom has not reached. Her ears were splitting and head was spinning with each boom. Too much noise was unbearable and unavoidable.

Finally she found a dark corner in an empty garage, where she found bit solace. She breathed and sat down, wondering “ what happens to these peoples in Diwali ? Why they turn Crazy and create lots of noise and smoke ?”

Having lost in these thoughts, she felt asleep.

Jadeja( M47) a flabby man, with golden chain dangling across the neck came down with bags of fireworks, mostly bombs and other noisy crackers. Jadeja was owner of famous jewellery shop of the town and have great enchant for fireworks during Diwali. He used to spend lavishly on fireworks, specially bombs ; laxmi bomb, sutri bomb, new Super Atom bomb etc. Certain bombs were banned by government due to their high noise levels but Jadeja managed to procure them somehow, just to satisfy his hunger for more noise.

He parked the car in the garage and locked it, trapping Shanti inside.
Jadeja started bursting his crackers outside the garage. Shanti trapped inside started feeling jitters as she heard human chattering outside.
Jadeja placed a Laxmi bomb, torched it and after few seconds
Big BOOM. BOOM  rocked the buildings nearby and rattled Shanti.

Jadeja’s ears had no impact of noise. Either he had turned deaf or his ears were made of steel. Jadeja kept bursting newer and noisier bombs to entertain himself while Shanti suffering immensely. Shanti ran haphazardly in dark garage just to avoid the noise but could not find the way out. She tried to open the door but she could not. Poor Shanti struggled hard to liberate herself from Jadeja’s noisy crackers but unfortunately failed at each attempt. She moaned and moaned, hoping someone will listen ! If Shanti would have been human, she could have scream like hell or would have kicked the door to open or at least, she could have closed her ears with hands tightly. But Shanti could not do any of above, as she was a dog. A stray dog… Shanti crumpled herself beneath the car, with a hope that someone will open the door and rescue her from this noisy hell.

Nakhusi was Jadeja’s third daughter. Nakhushi means “unwanted”.  An orthodox Indian male, Jadeja wanted his first child to be Boy. First child born at Jadeja’s house was a girl and not a boy, disappointing Jadeja.  Second child was also girl and Jadeja disappointed even more. Jadeja family did everything to praise the luck, for third child. They went to temples & astrologers, did fasting, fed cows.. etc.. But again third child was also, a Girl. Jadeja’s dream was shattered.  He wanted a son to handle his empire and girls will ruin his vision. Jadeja and his boy-crazy family was so dejected that they named 3rd  girl child “NaKhusi(unhappiness)” as that girl was unwanted.

We have society where, boy-girl ratio is steadily declining and tradition as naming “Nakhusi “ is also in practice, simultaneously .  This the height of illiteracy !   (

Nakhusi is fifteen years old and she has never been interested in any celebration. Nakhusi has been reserved girl all these years. She has been dropped from school after 8th grade and mostly confined to the walls of kitchen. She has developed good culinary skills and that’s the only purpose she had to live for, cooking. Everyone in house, used to praise Nakhusi for her cooking talent and comment on luck of her future husband. Nakhusi used to take appreciation with silent smile but within her she hated these fake verbose. Her emotions have always been confined to herself. She was like deep stable sea on surface with carnivorous angry predators surfing inside. She has just one question to ask “Why she has named Nakhusi ?”….

She was always reluctant in celebrating festivals as Holi, Diwali, Navratri... She could not bear noise as our dog, Shanti. Mostly, she remained inside during Diwali celebrations and keeping herself busy in making sweets, snacks and other food items, just to avoid being outside with family. And family also never bothered about her presence !!

Jadeja wanted hot badam (almond) milk for his guests. Nakhusi got order to make five glasses of badam milk. Jadeja unpacked a banned Bomb call, SUPER ATOM.  He explained to his guests that this is the loudest bomb, ever made.

As she was preparing, SUPER ATOM exploded.. BOOOOOM.. Nakhusi closed her ears and collapsed on floor and in garage, Shanti shivered and perturbed animal  ran to garage door and started crying loudest as possible seeking attention. But amidst cracking fireworks, who has ear to listen poor dog’s pleas ??

Nakhusi came outside with 5 glasses of milk and served. While serving, her ears heard something unpleasant from garage. She went to the garage and opened the door and found poor Shanti shivering in fear. Their eyes met and she understood her pain…

Nakhusi led Shanti at basement, where old furniture and other material were stored. At basement it was relatively peaceful.  Dusty basement was the only shelter for these two. Nakhusi placed her hand on Shanti’s body..  just to feel her shivering  … Shanti’s shivering was  like echoing  Nakhusi’s beating heart.  Nakhusi caressed her to calm herself. Shanti looked at Nakhusi, giving a thankful gesture. Unseen bond between two females established.

Today, after years of blockade, tears stormed out of Nakhusi’s eyes.. She hugged Shanti and cried heavily, venting all her pent-up emotions..

Human are like that only”.. they concluded. They both hate Diwali…


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