Wednesday, 9 November 2011

A Thriller

Abbas and Salma, were in relationship since last 2 years. They enjoyed each other company very much. While Salma was insisting Abbas to get married and settle down, Abbas was not prepared for marriage. Abbas was geologist and doing PhD on Antarctica’s black rocks. Looking at his talent, International Organization of Geology has sponsored three months of expedition at Antarctica for research on the subject.   He was very happy about the expedition. He was sure that after the Antarctica visit, his research paper will be able to shed new lights on ancient rock formation and human evolution. Ever occupied in his research, he had never thought about his marriage. Abbas’s indecisiveness for marriage, troubling Salma and she was feeling bit insecure about the relationship.

Salma’s parents were died 4 years ago in plane crash, while Abbas’s mother passed long back after suffering from cancer. Thus Abbas’s Abbu(Father) was the sole elder in both families. Abbu was not very happy to accept Salma and had few reservations due to her orphan hood. There was a tug of conflict between father and son at this point.

Next day Abbas supposed to leave for New Zeeland and from New Zeeland, he will fly to Antarctica. He packed his baggage and thrown himself at bed, just to catch few naps before he leave. Looking at fashion magazine, with Katrina Kaif, wearing red saree at front cover, and thinking about Salma’s marriage insistence, Abbu’s reluctance to accept Salma, Black rocks, Antarctica…  he fell asleep.

Early in the morning, Salma arrived at his house in red, elegant sari. Abbas had never seen Salma in sari and was amazed by her beauty. For moment, tempted of calling off Antarctica tour and just keep watching Salma. After seeking blessings from Abbu, duo departed for Airport, in Salma’s red car.

At airport Salma had become emotional, as Abbas was departing. With tearful eyes and painful voice, she asked Abbas “ Promise me, you will return “.. Abbas kissed her hand and promised. Abbas left Salma at departure longue, waving his hand. He suddenly turned and came back, holding a small box. To Salma’s wonder, he gave that box to her. She opened and as expected it was a ring.. a Diamond ring.. proposal from Abbas to marry her !! Salma could not believe this.. She elated and hugged him. Salma whispered “When I will wear this “?.. Abbas replied “ After Antarctica.. 3 months..”… Salma clinched the ring into her fist and watched Abbas disappearing into the crowd….

At Antarctica, during daytime Abbas was working on black rocks, studying their surface, texture other biological details. At relaxing times, amidst Antarctica’s snowy glaciers and penguins, he used to dream about Salma, her red Saree, marriage, honeymoon etc.  Salma’s love was kind of motivation for him to work even harder. Three months have passed and Abbas finished his research work to everyone’s satisfaction. Finally day came, when he was returning to India to get united with Salma forever.

When he landed, Salma was not at Airport to receive him. He got very angry. In fit of anger, he avoided to call her. He reached home and greeted by Abbu. The first thing Abbas asked was about Salma. Abbu was reluctant to speak about her but on continues insistence, finally Abbu revealed:

Look Abbas, what I am going to tell you is  very bad news. You have to bear this. Please sit down..”..

Abbas sat down… Abbu continued” Salma is no longer.. she is …..DEAD”..

Words hit Abbas and he froze like a stone. Some men could not cry.. They bear the brunt of the blow without expressing it. Abbas was one of those kinds. He just kept listening to Abbu, without giving any reaction..

Abbu continued “ After dropping you at Airport, she had major road accident and died on the spot. We thought not to disturb your research and thus did not informed you.. … “

Abbas could not believe.. He stood up and covered his face by his hands.. He could not believe the words “..Salma dead… dead Salma.. what Abu is talking about ?... “…He reacted “Abbu I don’t believe.. I can’t believe.. Salma could not die…  

Abu consoled him “Look I understand your emotions.. but we are helpless to our fate and destiny.”..

There was element of confusion in Abbas’s expression. Abbas reiterated his position. “Abbu, I don’t believe that Salma has died after dropping me at Airport.. It can’t happen”.

Abu replied ” But beta. This is fact. I understand your emotions.. Please  accept the reality…”. Abbas stood up and scream “ How can it happen.. How can.. Just last night I had talked with her over cell phone.. She promised that she will come to receive me at Airport.. How can a dead person make a call ?????

Abbu did not took Abbas seriously  Beta this not possible. Control your emotions.. Take this pill and it will calm you down..”

Abbas angrily replied “ Do you think I am lying.. See my call logs..  “ His call logs showed that there  was  a call from Salma last night.
Abbu confusingly replied ”  I don’t know about this call… I have buried her.. I have death certificate ”…

Abbas stood up.. ”  How can dead person call somebody!! I know my Salma.. it was her voice... I have to talk to her friend Rukmani” . And he rushed out of the room, without waiting for Abbus’ reaction.

Abbas rushed to Rukmanis’ house. Salma was staying with Rukmani and they were very close friends. Rukmani opened the door and found agitated Abbas. Abbas asked “Where is Salma ?” Rukmani calmly welcomed Abbas  First come inside. I will tell you” .. Abbas yelled ” Answer me.. Where is Salma.. !! “

Rukmani replied that she has died in road accident.. as Abbu has explained.

Abbas could not believe this.. He has shown Salmas’ call record. Rukmani replied that after Salma’s death, she is using her number and she has not made any call to Abbas. Perplexed Abbas sat down on sofa. He could not believe that Salma had died. Salma’s voice, asking about his flight details and landing time were echoing his ears.  Rukmani went to make a drink for Abbas. Abbas slowly came to the term that call was accidental  and Salma had died. His initial agitation is melting into deep pain…

Suddenly Rukmani heard the Abbas’s scream, so loud that glass was fallen from her hand… Rukmani rushed to Abbas and saw Abbas holding his cell phone.. Cell phone was vibrating.. Abbas shouted at Rukmani.. “Look at his.. look at this”.. A message from Salma…. Message was like “sorry Jaan, I could not make to Airport. I was stuck at Pune and will be back by evening.. I will definitely meet you at evening.. I hope u forgive me.. love and kisses, Salma J”. Rukmani shocked and had no words to explain. … Abbas left her house….

At home Abbas showed Salma’s latest message to Abbu. Abbu could not believe it either..
He told ” I have buried her… myself.. with this hand.. I don’t know about this cell phone technologies ,,but Abbas, you have to trust your father than this stupid cell phone… !!! He showed Salma’s death certificate, pictures of Salma’s crushed car and newspaper cuttings reporting her tragic death..

All these evidence were proving that Salma is dead. Meanwhile what about  the message and call, he had received !!  Too much of facutal contradiction… Baffled and agitated Abbas could not bear any longer and fainted.

Abbas’s sleep was disturbed by a gentle touch.. He opened eyes and found, Salma caressing his face.. He suddenly woke up and Salma smiled.. Salma and her tempting red Sari..!! Abbas was  in disbelief.. Abbas whispered  you are alive ?”… Salma giggled  What you think .. Am I dead ?” She placed his hand on her heart… “ Do you feel my heart, thumping for you and you only !!”

Abbas felt her heart beats.. She came closer and asked “ Can you see my eyes blinking ?”.. Their eyes met and it was enlivening for Abbas. Now he had no doubt that Salma is not dead.. He searched for Abbu.  Salma told him that Abbu has gone out to buy fresh oranges. Abbas could not found Abbus’ car in the parking slot also.

They went to their favourite Garden spot and spoke lot about his Antarctica expedition and future marriage plans. At night, Salma dropped Abbas at his house in her red car. Abbas asked to meet Abbu, which Salma refused candidly, siting her tiredness.

Abbas returned home.  Abbu was waiting for him anxiously. Abbas told him that he was with Salma. Abbu has lost temper “ ABBAS,,, Please accept the fact… Salma is dead.. Salma is no more… You are turning into mental patient.. I have to concern psychiatrist for you. “ Abbas retorted “ I am not mad.. I was with Salma.. she is alive.. She was here today, in this house.. I don’t’ trust you.. May be you need psychiatrist..”

Abbu is shocked by Abbas’s reply. He had never been so rude to him before. Understanding the mental condition of Abbas, he lowered his voice “ if she has been here, how can’t I have not seen her.. “ Abbass pointing at Oranges lying on table, replied that “When Salma came, you have gone to buy Oranges”.. In which, Abbu surprisingly replied that he was at the house whole day and Oranges have been brought by the maid.  Abbas sited that he has not seen his car in parking at evening.. Argument grew..

Finally Abbu challenged Abbas that if Salma is alive, then call her right now “  Call Salma right now, I want to meet her” . Abbas called Salma, and asked her come at his house at once. Salma agreed.  

There was tense moment between father and Son. Day before, in his worst nightmares, Abbas had not imagined that he is going to dispute with his father about life of his sweetheart. Very strange conflict !!  Both men were thinking that if their version of Salma is wrong, then whom they have dealt with…. A spirit.. a Ghost !!!!!!!!

A door opened and Salma emerged, in her typical red Sari. Abbas yelled.. “Salma.. are you dead..!! Please tell my father that you are dead ..”.. Salma looked at him and sobbed “ Am I dead ?.. Do you want me to die ? “… Abbas turned to his father and “Answer her”… Abbu was speechless and after sometime he broke his silence, “Where is she ? I am not seeing anyone..

Abbas zapped.. “Look, she is in front of you..”.. Salma also joined “Abbu, I am in front of you.. Can’t you see me !! Abbas, Is Abbu’s eyes are alright? I hope growing diabetes had not affected his vision..”.. Abbas pulled Salma near to Abbu and let her hand touch him.. “Can you feel now.. !! Abbu.. Salma is standing right near you…”… Finally Abbu broke down..” Beta.. Salma is died.. you are in trance of some sort of spirit. .there is no Salma around.. Why don’t’ you understand… Please break your hallucination and came back to reality… “…

Listening to these Salma begged to Abbu “ Please don’t kill me.. I am alive.. I know you don’t’ like me and not want me as your daughter in law.. but that does not mean that you finish my existence… My love to Abbas is true.. Please do not separate us… Abbas, please request Abbu to accept me. I can do anything to please him. I am orphan. I have no one than you for love and live for..

Abbas is utterly confused by both sides…. He is entangled between his  sweet heart and father.. Both were as real as him !! Whom should he believe and whom should he not !! What is the truth !! He loved them both…

Finally he came to crazy conclusion.. He told Salma..” Salma,.. you have to prove that you are human… cut your finger and show me ur blood. I have heard somewhere that Ghosts don’t have blood..”.. Salma reiterated “ What rubbish.. If you can’t see my tears, if  you can’t feel my heartbeats .. how can you ever see my blood…. I am going Abbas.. I am going to die now , if that what makes you and your Abbus’s life comfortable. You are the only reason I lived for and I will die for..”

And she left the room cryingly… Abbas yelled  NO, Wait”… and ran after her… Abbu collapsed on floor “Oh Khuda.. save my child.. “…

Salma came out of the house and ran towards the busy road, followed by Abbas… Salma was crossing the road amidst speedy moving vehicles, followed by Abbas. Salma stood in the midway, waiting for some vehicle to collide with her. Abbas rushed to save her and suddenly a bus dashed on him. He was hit, plunged high, into the air… and dropped down on the road…

Crowed gathered to see him, lying on Road.. may be dead… He was listening noises  “ Is he dead !! Call ambulance !! What a careless ness “!!!

Am I dead ?”.. Abba’s eyes wide-open....…. Sweating face… He sat.. He found himself in his bad room.. He  was panting heavily.... He breathed down, drank water and wiped out sweat.. It was 3 AM.. He came out of room.. He saw his Abbu sleeping peacefully… Salma.. what about Salma !.. He called Salma… Salma replied that she will be coming at 6 AM at his house.. Abbas concluded that it was a nightmare… very very scary nightmare..

His inner dilemmas were reflected into this darkish dream..

Early in the morning, Salma arrived at his house in red, elegant sari. Abbas was amazed her beauty, and for moment, tempted to  calling off Antartica tour and just keep watching Salma. Then he froze for moment..




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