Sunday, 14 August 2011

Hanged between Hell & Heaven!!!

Today Mustafa was very happy man. Finally He was selected for the mission. His lifelong desire has been fulfilled. He had worked and prayed too hard for the mission. Mission was to serve the God by offering own life. All he has to do is press a button, a blast and he will be called Martyr. Mustafa was dreaming to be a suicide bomber.

Mustafa was born in small town near Kandahar, Afghanistan in 1992.Troubled by frequent fight between Taliban and other Afghan tribes, Mustafa’s father has migrated to nearby town of Pakistan. Comparatively Pakistan was peaceful place at that time. His father has enrolled Mustafa to a Madrasa so that he can get daily meal and some religious teaching.
This Madrasa was run by Ali Jabbar, a cleric believed in Wahabi kind of radical Islam. He believed that one day all women on the earth will wear burqua(veil) and all men will grow long beard like him. This can be achieved by never ending attacks on infidels and strong supply chain of ready-to-die young people. Harboring these extreme thoughts, he was preaching his type of Islam to his students.

The funding of Jabbar’s madrasa was interesting. He was receiving a penny from Pakistan’s official government to run his madrasa as symbolic gesture. Most of his funding came from Saudi Arabian oil billionaire Umar Ul Sheikh. At first sight, Umar was sponsoring Jabbar's madrasa as service of his religion. The real reason for this sponsorship is to train young people to sacrifice their lives to serve the ideology of extremist Islam at any given day. Umar’s major income came from European and American rich petrol companies. These oil companies were business partners and together they were earning millions of dollars every day from increasing global oil prices. Even though Umar has very good business relations with his American and European counterparts, internally he never liked their beliefs on democracy, woman liberty etc. He felt that western civilization destined to perish one day and Islamic nations will lead the world. Actually Umar was confused man as he has to retain cordial relation with Americans and Europeans to sustain and grow his business, meanwhile harboring intense hatred for their civilization. As result, he used to earn petro-money from them and some part of it diverting it towards Jabbar’s madrasa to vent out his pent up hatred. This rotation of petro-money simply means that whatever petrol price , we are paying, may be some tiny part of it going to train some extremist somewhere to plant bombs in some of our towns some day !!

Ironically 10 years ago, Jabbar started this madrasa with US funding to train Islamist Army to defeat Russia from Afghanistan. Primarily it was American idea to build such religious Army who can fight against Russians and they funded Jabbar like madrasa for their selfish motives. They used religion to mobilize local youth against Russia. They did not knew that, religious army they are building, will backfire on them in future ! Once Russian vacated Afghanistan, US had left the region and Jabbar had problems in finding new sponsor. Saudi Arabian Umar has filled the vacuum and became new sponsor for similar motives, built religious Army to fight against infidels to protect Islam. Only difference was that first Jabbar taught his students to fight for Americans, now he is teaching fight against Americans. It did not make any difference to him; so long he is getting money to run his business. Poverty has also played its cards. Poverty and ignorance of world community had left no choice for poor children to join religious madrasa for food and some basic teaching. Putting all together, Jabbar’s madrasa business kept flourishing.
Jabbar has put notice that he wanted 2 young men from his madaressa who can blow himself and kill maximum infidels. He received numerous applications and had hard time for selecting correct candidates. One candidate Jabbar, already had on his mind was Mustafa.
Mustafa has seen such notices in past but because of he was not young enough, could not apply. But now he was 18 and eligible for the application. He applied and due to his good reputation, got selected by Jabbar.

Sometimes we mask our true desire by another more acceptable desire to outer world. The reason behind Mustafa’s intense urge to be fidayeen is obviously to serve his religion. Apart from serving the religion, there is one deep, unspoken, desire to die and go to Jannnt(heaven) and meet Jannat ki Hoors (virgin girls of heaven). He has never spoken to his inner desire to anyone but harboring it.

From childhood he has heard about Jannat. Jabbar has described Jannat as “Those who died for religion will go straight to heaven. Soon as they die, one white light from Sky will fall on them and they will ascend to Jannat. True Martyrs will live in big glass mansion with garden full of Apples, Grapes and Oranges. Small river of sweet water will flow from the Garden. There will be small boathouse at the bank of river. Beautiful Jannat Ki Hoor will decorate boathouse for her master(Fidayeen) every eveing… etc,… “

Further Jabbar has described the features of Jannat ki Hoor as “ beautiful as moon, soft as rose, agile as deer and sexy as Wild River in monsoon. These Hoors will be wives of Fidayeen in heaven, and he can enjoy them entire day as he will be given masculine power 100 elephants. There will be lavish bed for him and he can sleep as much as he wants. His queens will serve him delicious food in golden plate, will bath him, dry him.. Etc… and most important he will be young forever… “ Entire prayer hall, filled by young men were listening to Jabbar’s temping explanations without blinking their eyes and lost in their own version of Jannat.
These and many more temptations have filled Mustafa’s mind and he has started fantasizing about his heavenly queens. He has decided what gifts, he will take along with him, but then he realized that during blast, his entire body will explode and thus gifts were not good idea. He has memorized famous poetries about beauty to impress his queens. He was praying day in and out to get selected for the mission and he decided not to marry any earthly woman and keep his love intact for Jannat ki Hoor. To realize his dream to meet Jannat Ki Hoor, he did everything to win his master’s attention, as be obedient student, developing his physical strength, etc.

Due to his loyalty to Jabbar, he got selected for the suicide mission. He has been preached that the more infidels he will kill, greater respect he will receive in Jannat. Thus he has planned everything very carefully to kill maximum number of infidels. Plan was like they will take flight to Nepal and infiltrate from Nepal into India. Somebody will escort him to New Delhi. At New Delhi, some local help will drop him at crowded mall and he has to press a button, blast and over to, Jannat Ki Hoor, and then enjoy forever… Precaution was to keep his identify hide till he finishes his mission. He had shown the pictures of blast place to position him correctly. He was totally equipped mentally as well as physically for the blast and inspiration was already there. Everything was going smoothly till one day !!!

Mustafa was summoned by Jabbar in his personal room for review of attack. Mustafa entered into his room and Jabbar was not present. Mustafa told to wait for him. Suddenly Jabbar’s cell phone rung and since no one nearby, Mustafa took the cell phone. He has never used cell phone before and was bit curious about it. “ Whether cell phone will be available in Jannat !!” He did not had the answer. He tried to answer the ringing cell phone but before he could find right button, call got disconnected. In his search of right button to receive the call, Mustafa pressed unknown buttons and reached to folder “My pictures”. Mustafa pressed one more time, which he should not have. Now Mustafa was about to witness something he never seen before and it was going to destroy happiness of his life.
When Mustafa pressed My picture folder of Jabbar’s cell phone, he opened the secrets of Jabbar’s life. Jabbar has stored sexy pictures of Samantha Fox, Mallika Sherwat and much more in his cell phone. Mustafa has never seen pictures like this. In his wildest imaginations, he has not imagined THIS… His mind was chocked and thoughts were blocked. He kept watching them over and over again. for brief moment, he has already reached Jannat.
Jabbar came and found Mustafa engrossed in My pictures. He was scared for a moment but found out way to fool Mustafa. He snatched phone from Mustafa’s hand. Mustafa was speech less. Jabbar in very serious voice told him that “ these pictures are of infidel’s women. If you got seduced by these pictures, you have committed SIN and then you will not go to heaven, even if you die for our religion. Only those will avail the luxury of heaven, who has pure soul, without any temptation to worldly matters. If you feel temptation after watching these dirty pictures, you will go to hell after death, where they will tie to a large pillar and then thousand of worms will swarm on your body and will eat you till you die. It will take 10 years before you die and till then they will keep eating you little by little. Now tell me what did you felt after watching these pictures ? “ Mustafa was shocked, stunned and scared. He felt that he has no other option then to lie. He replied that “ I am feeling very angry on these women, I hate them”. Jabbar smiled and pet his shoulder. He replied “ Good, you are true soldier. Now you are fully ready to be martyr. “
Jabbar declared him pass from last temptation test. He told that “ Now you are chosen one and cannot retreat. If you retreat now from the mission, you will be counted as Infidel and be killed like one.” Mustafa replied that “ I am ready to die my religion”. Jabbar and Mustafa embraced and before Mustafa leave, he advised “ Don’t tell about this test to anyone. This is top secret test “. Mustafa nodded and smart Jabbar smiled.

From that day onwards, Mustafa’s mental peace has gone. His dream of meeting Jannat Ki Hoor shattered. Pictures of cell-ladies are kept reoccurring in his mind and he could not get rid of them. His mind was completely obsessed with Jabbar’s cell ladies. Now these ladies have become Jannat Ki Hoor for him, making him was very sad. The more his mind tends to think about them, the more he got scared of going to hell.
As day of suicide got near, his inner conflict grew tremendously. He could not stop himself from thinking about cell-ladies, thus fear for hell also increased proportionally. He could not tell about his growing fear to anyone. He was torn between his natural instinct and responsibility as Martyr-in-making. His dilemma was, he can’t retreat from his mission and if he dies he will go to hell and will be tortured by thousands of insects. As worst case if he retreats, he will counted as infidel and will be killed by Jaffar and go to hell, will be tortured by thousands of insects. Poor, Ignorant Mustafa….

Mustafa’s parents and relatives had given big party to honor him as true, proud soldier. Mustafa has reached to Nepal and then to Delhi.
The day of martyrdom has come. Mustafa along with 2 other suicide bombers sat in car for final journey. They hugged each other and promised to meet each other at Jannat. Mustafa was totally undecided. He did not know what to do !! His mind was toggling between, cell-ladies and insects of hell !! His blast location has come. Car driver hugged him for final time. He gave him some money to eat before the blast.

Now Mustafa is standing at 1st floor of famous mall of New Delhi. He was seeing people walking, smiling, laughing, and eating, children playing….. He was amidst big crowd.. And all he has to do is press a button… Mustafa thought “ Let me press the button and die. If Jannat is not written in my destiny, let it be. Let myself burn be eaten by worms in hell, that’s my punishment and I have to suffer… “ Engrossed in such thoughts, he took his position to kill maximum as possible people and about to press the button to blast himself. Then suddenly a thought hit his mind and he stopped.. He stopped.. And he ran to restroom.

At restroom, He removed his bomb belt and defused the bomb. He left the mall, went to railway station and took train to Kolkata. From Kolkata, he went to Sikkim. He did not know where he was going, he just kept travelling till he reached to one small, isolated town, where he felt he can stay for some time. He had spent all his money thus required to earn some. Barber of town told him that, there is one big fruit farm, outside the town, where farmer require a helper.

He went to that farm.. Big farm full of fruits as Oranges, Grapes and Apples,, exactly he has visualized as Jannat. He met the farmer and joined him as helper. He has learnt to plant the seeds, nourish them till it starts giving sweet fruits. Farmer had a daughter… When Mustafa saw her first time, he forgot all his cell-ladies, Hell’s insects, Jaffar, and Jannat.. She has became true, single Jannat ki hoor for him.. sorry Jamin ki hoor for him…

Question is what thought stopped Mustafa from blasting the bomb at Delhi mall !! The thought, was if Jannat is so lavish place and Jannat ki hoor is so beautiful, WHY Jabbar himself not blasting himself and go to Jannat ? Why teacher is not doing, what he is preaching to his students ?

By Vadan

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