Friday, 12 August 2011

Bomb Blast in My House

Around 8.30 PM in the night, my wife has received call from her sister, living at Bhopal. I assumed must be regular chit-chat call, but intent of the caller was different. She asking about our well being. My wife replied that “yes, everything is fine”, considering rains in the city. But my sister-in-law was asking about something else, Bomb blasts at south Mumbai.
My wife drew our attention to the blasts. We switched the TV channel from ‘ Tarak Metha ka Ulta Chasma ’ (comedy) to news channels. All the news channels were energetically as ever, screaming about bomb blasts.
Personally I have become insensitive to terrorist attacks. After seeing 1991 Mumbai serial blasts, 2007 train bomb blasts, 2009 Taj attack  and other numerous blasts at various places in the country, bomb blasts do not emotionalize me as it was few years ago. I have accepted as part of my destiny as Indian. I was just interested in knowing the places of blasts and what new methods, terrorists have innovated to scare us. The blast places were Zaveri Bazar, Dadar Kabutar Khana and Opera House. I stay at Borivali (area quite far from blast locations) and my family members were with me,  so I  did not had much to fear and as insensitive as I was, watching the news without any emotions or attachment.  
Suddenly a thought bolted me. My unmarried uncle is staying at Sukh Sagar, place very close to Opera house, one of the blast location. Now my attachment to blasts has changed from informal to personal. I dialled my uncle’s cell phone and it was out of coverage. I tried his residence landline number and it was unanswered. I made numerous attempts to call but he could not be contacted.   
News channels’ horrific images of bomb blast sites and my uncle’s disconnectedness, made me very jittery. A person who was aloof about the happening few moments ago, now became a victim himself. I started getting all kind of thoughts about the situation. 
What fun these terrorists is having by bombing us.. !! Our law is very soft and that’s why these rascals are fearlessly bombing us !! Look at Kasab, he is still living...If i became Prime minister, i will catch these terrorists and kill them exactly in same way... tie them to bomb and blast them at Opera house, exact location they have planted the bomb.. and let it be live on TV so that other aspire to-be terrorists do not dare to bomb us.. 
We all know that Pakistan is behind the blasts..Our government has done till date is go to US and cry about Pakistan.. US gave us ONLY consolation.. US and China are behind Pak and that’s why they dare to help terrorists. Pak could not defeat us in military war so started this kind of proxy war. We are helpless.. We have to just suffer.. OR  We should nuke Pakistan, let them also nuck us.. Once for all let finish the problem.
Why uncle’s cell phone is not reachable.. may be battery is discharged or network is jammed.. These cell phone companies should be fined heavily for not providing service when man needs the most. They should be penalised for their behaviour..
But what about land line.. It is ringing but no one is picking up   !!! Where the hell Uncle has gone ! Must be gone to see the wreckage of bomb blast.. Does he has any sense to call me  to ensure he is fine.. !! What If something would have happened to him ?  “ etc.
Engulfed in all sort of negative thoughts, I called his nearest friend. His friend told me that he has not met him since a week. It was nearly 10.30 PM and had been an hour since I was trying to contact him. I decided to visit his house at opera house to check about him.
I tried final time on his cell and luckily I got through. I poured my anger on him when he received the call.
Me: Hello, Kaka (uncle) where are you ! We all are worried..
Uncle: I am fine...
Me: Have you heard about Opera house bomb blast.. ! Can’t you call us ! We are trying to call since an hour.. !
Uncle: Ya,, I have heard.. I am at Lonawala, enjoying our association party..
Me: you are lonawala.. Oh... Enjoy.

I disconnected the line and was relieved that he is fine. Only pain left, was Why he has not invited me to Lonawala. Having warm cup of tea with panner pakoda, in Lonawala’s misty monsoon is like, heaven.
All my previous thoughts about terrorism has been washed out.I switched back TV channel from News to my favourite comedy serial ‘FIR’. I forgot all my worries, pains, deaths, wounds and engrossed completely in  FIR’s comedy.
That’s the way I fight against terrorism.


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