Thursday, 11 August 2011


She was shocked. Her dream was shattered. All her prayers, mannats have gone in vain. She was disheartened that her prayers have not attended by her God. She was not able to digest the fact that she can’t change her destiny and had to live with. She had to live with that disturbing truth her entire life. She kept asking her God again and again, why her dream has failed, what was her mistake? Why ? But her God had many more things to do, other than just answering her stupid queries. She had started losing trust on her God, she had worshipped her entire life. And she had not gained the desired fruit of that loyalty.
Sushilla’s daughter Monica had given birth to second baby girl. Mother and child were healthy and fine, but Monica’s In-laws and her mother were deeply shocked. They have done all poojas and mannats to get a BOY, but Monica gave birth to a GIRL. This was the reason for shock. The feeling of shock has aggravated as she was the second daughter. They were quite confident this time, that it’s going to be Boy, as all their relatives, pundits, astrologers have indicated the same. But God had another plan and Monica gave birth to a baby girl, shattering their dream and desire.
Today Sushila was on her way to grocery store to buy food-items for child’s naming ceremony. If it would have been boy this function would have been lavish, but with girl child, naming ceremony has reduced to a formality. While walking on the pavement, Sushilla was lamenting on her bad luck and ruthlessness of her God. Sushilla has committed long list of commitments to the God, if Monica births a boy, as Yatra to Tirupati, 1001 laddus prasadam to Siddnivinayak, Sweat distributions in nearby slum, etc.. but all these have no value now. God was not interested in her briberyJ
Sushilla reached to the store and purchased necessary goods, with least amount of interest. Being part of literate, urbanized, modern family, Sushilla can’t publically show her unhappiness over 2nd baby girl, and thus it was kind of muted, but attitudinal displeasure rather than spoken one. Sushila was not very enthusiastic to speak about new born child to her relatives. Her relatives, like her, reacted more or less same way as Sushila, upon hearing the news... unhappy and consolatory   ...
Lost in thoughts, Sushilla crossed the main road, without noticing car horns and traffic signal. There were others walking with her on pavement also, but Sun was blazing hard especially on her.  She turned to the Society lane and was spotted by Mrs.Shetty. Mrs.Shetty asked about Monica and Sushila has to inform her about birth of girl child. Hearing this, Mrs.Shetty smirked with avenge-full gaze to Sushilla. Sushilla had reacted same manner, when Mrs.Shetty’s daughter had given birth to second girl chid. This sort of family rivalry has been continued since long time between them. This time it was Sushila’s downturn and which was unbearable to her.
The Indian urban middle class has quite modernized itself during last decade and especially after economic liberalization of 90s. They are benefitting from 8% economic growth, and adapted western lifestyle to certain level.  Jeans wearing daughter or daughter-in-law is common sight and so does, their love for English language. But sometimes, this middle class is confused between new thought-process; its new modern lifestyle has to offer and old traditional values, germinated deep into their psyche.  Whenever both clashes, creates confusion. Sushiila is going though that confusion.
Sushila could not understand why the hell she was feeling sad, when she suppose to feel happy and joy !!! She could not understand why she welcoming her new family member with such disgrace ? Why so negativity about girl child and what about dignity of woman !!
The origin of Sushila’s negativity of girl child is residing, in century old Indian patriarchal tradition. As per Taliban way of thinking ‘woman is like beautiful rose and should be protected’. Our ancestors were having similar line of thoughts and as result, this beautiful rose, was pushed inside the house and deprived from education or any sort of vocational training.  Woman restricted to manage household and Man suppose to bread earner of the family.  As consequences Man’s market value increased because as says he who pays the piper calls the tune, this world became Man’s world and un-earning woman became so called burden, especially in our societies.
CUT to 2011, Sushilla, a semi-modern grand-mother, living in Mumbai’s sub-urban area Malad’s Cosmo society,  does not believe completely in girl as burden, but still traces of old mentality is found in her psyche. Even she agrees in girl education and woman empowerment, belief is strong that, one boy per family is MUST to carry the family name forward. An ideal family for her is couple, with two children,(a boy and a boy or girl). Monica’s second daughter has shattered her thoughts for ideal family. She wasn’t that sad when Monica gave birth to first daughter, but with second one, she was quite upset.  How Monica is going to raise, protect and marry her two girls, kept her worrying. Confused Sushilla kept consoling herself and gave examples of Sonia Gandhis and Chanda Kochhars(ICICI Chief) to convince herself that in this flat world, girls are also achiever, but century-old programming of mental thoughts were not letting her do so.
At Society gate, Sushila met Mrs. Janki Patel, a friend. She knew that Janki had terrible knee problem and she is awaiting her daughter for medical check-up. Janki had 4 sons and single daughter. All of her sons area settled in US and only daughter is in Mumbai. Her daughter has refused to settle in US, as she was not willing to leave her ailing mother alone in India. She was married and living very close by. Sushilla was listening to Janki’s story silently.
Janki’s daughter arrived in the car. She helped Janki to get into the car and they drove for medical check up.  Sushilla kept watching her car, till it disappeared in the web of traffic. While watching all these activities, something strange started happening into Sushilla.. A magic.
Sushila felt like curtains have removed and sun shine has entered into the room. She started feeling energetic and happy. Her century old beliefs are being eradicated and new fresh thought’s seeds are being germinated into her mind. She remembered how she has helped her parents and ln-laws, exactly the way Janki’s daughter. She felt proud about how Monica has managed her professional carrier and personal responsibilities. She remembered all the sacrifices, she has made for her the family. Her dignity as woman, has started unleashing. She started feeling refreshed and energetic, like never before. First time in her life, she has realized her true potential and now she will not let it die.
Sushila reached home. She hurriedly went to new girl child and carried her. She embraced her to the chest and said “I am sorry”. Now there will be lavish naming ceremony.......

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