Sunday, 17 June 2012

Dusty ball…

Rajan had no hesitation in buying the apartment, located right front of his uncle’s house at Nagpur. Nagpur has always been his favorite city and looking for opportunity to buy a decent property there. Even though price of the apartment was quite high, he was determined to buy it. Apart, from apartment being close to his uncle’s house, he had a personal reason to buy it, which nobody knew, not even his wife, Sandya. 
Rajan, M 40, was highly successful business person. He joined his father small scale diamond business 20 years ago. He transformed the small business into big international brand with his sheer hard work and commitment. He has earned respect and accolades from his industry peers and chamber of commerce colleges. Somehow, Rajan was thankful to that apartment, for his success and buying that apartment was his personal need, rather than commercial.
Rajan, along with wife Sandhya reached to the apartment, as per scheduled inspection time. For Rajan, inspection was mere formality and he wanted to close the deal soon as possible. Realty Agent was waiting for them at society gate. Rajan asked about the owner and Agent replied that she will come within an hour; meanwhile they can inspect the property.
Apartment was located at 2nd floor and there was no escalator. Rajan was climbing the stairs and somehow his legs started trembling and heart started beating big harder..Was it due to physical exertion in climbing stairs or burden of old memories !!!!!!!!
Agent opened the lock.. big lock.. “ Lock has changed“ Rajan murmured.. Couple entered into the apartment. It wasn’t well maintained apartment.. Walls were full of water seepage and cracks… Old type of external electrical wiring hanging around, looking shabby…. Rooms were smaller and kitchen was oddly placed… Sandhya asked in disgust “ Rajan, you want to buy THIS apartment in 4 million rupees.. Surely we will get better deal than this one,, we can buy new furnished apartment in 4 million” Agent was also sort of agreed with Sandhya… Rajan replied “ I want to buy this because it is located nearest to uncle’s house and we have already discussed about it.. I am going to buy..” Sandhya has never doubted Rajan’s financial sense and she kept silence, believing that Rajan must have something big in his mind.. But this time, it was emotions driving Rajan, rather than business, and Sandhya was not aware of it……
Rajan asked Agent, “ where is owner,, I want to finalize the deal today “..Agent obediently replied “ Sir, she is on the way.. will be here at any moment,, I have all the papers ready”…. Agent did not understand the logic behind Rajan’s urgency.
Rajan opened the rusty jammed, window and dust swirled up into the air.. From that window, Rajan could see the backyard of his uncle’s bunglow.. he used to play cricket there in his teens.  He saw a door in the left and rushed to open it… He grabbed the old rusty knob and pushed hardest as he can… but he could not open… Finally, He yelled at Agent “ Why this door is not opening ?”.. Agent replied “ It’s locked from outside. Let me open it for you.. “… Agent went outside to open and Rajan returned to the window.. He stared at backyard and remembered those SIXES, he hit, while playing the cricket during this teenage.. Those young days… … Few of those sixes, landed up in this Apartment’s balcony…. Suddenly his reminiscence were disturbed by loud noise of opening door.. He shivered by the noise and found the open balcony door…
He slowly entered into the balcony… Balcony’s white marble tiles, covered with layer of dust and filth.. It appeared that nobody has entered into the balcony since long long time… As Rajan put his shoes on it.. he felt that Balcony has enlivened.. as if she is waiting for him since ages..
Among filth, dust and few rotten boxes.. Rajan found something very magical… something he owned.. He bent it and grabbed it.. it was old dusty tennis ball.. he kept staring at the ball… that ball was waiting for him since 20 years… Ball had memories… Rajan got lost on those memories..
20 years ago…
Rajan was dragged by his cousin to play cricket in Nagpur’s summer heat. Rajan was not interested in playing cricket, in fact he was not interested in any sport.
In teenage, Rajan considered as lazy, aimless young man with no future. He has failed higher secondary examination twice and now struggling to finish his graduation. His carefree and squandering life-attitude had given sleepless nights to his parents.  He was 21 year old and still did not passed 2nd year of graduation and neither had any intention to do it. For family he was spoilt brat, and his father was worried about future of his and his small business.
Last week Rajan had fight with his father regarding his life style and increasing expenses. He angrily left the house and dumped himself to his uncle’s house. This was not for the first time. It happened in past also. Drill is that after sometime when father’s anger will cool down, Rajan will return to his house as usual. Contrasting family’s perception about Rajan, his uncle had feeling about hidden talent of Rajan, which was waiting for some sort of trigger to lash out.
That afternoon, cousin insisted Rajan to play cricket with him and after numerous requests, lazy Rajan agreed. Rajan was aimlessly throwing ball at him and he was hitting each ball with enthusiasm. He told Rajan, “ Do you want to see Kapil Dev’s SIX? ”.. Rajan reluctantly nodded and he threw ball at his bat. Cousin came forward and hit the ball with all the strength he had. Bat and Ball, both met at precise place, time and force. As result, ball went up in air, as much as it could and finally landed up in balcony of apartment, located at other side of the road.
Now, worry to get the ball from Balcony overshadowed the joy of six.. Rajan angrily told him” Now tell Kapil Dev to bring that ball ??” Cousin kept mum. They went to other side of road and luckily a window of that apartment was open. Cousin yelled and request for the ball. A middle aged adult came out and angrily denied the delivery “ You boys, don’t you have shame,,, how if ball hit some glass or someone’s head. Can’t you be careful ? . bla bla”.. Cousin was mature cricket street player; hence he kept silence till Uncle’s temper cools down. After venting out his anger, Uncle agreed to return the ball, with condition that this will be the last time……. There is always last time, cousin thought. Uncle closed the window.
After few seconds, balcony’s door opened and a girl came out. She picked the ball and thrown to Rajan… Their eyes meet.. and she left….
Balcony door closed, leaving Rajan awestruck by her beauty.. Thunderbolt hit Rajan… his eyes glued to empty balcony.. There was something in that girl, which hit Rajan very hard.. he was love-bitten.
Sensing Rajan’s love-struck face, Cousin commented “ Isn’t she gorgeous ?? Entire Nagpur is struck by her beauty.. “… Rajan asked  What’s her name ?”… Cousin replied “ I don’t know.. forget her.. she is very reserved types… “…
After that Rajan kept batting for entire day but he could not hit that Kapil Dev Sixer. He tried hard but he could not.. That night Rajan was not interested in his favorite TV shows, and he kept visiting backyard, with a hope that balcony door will open and he will be able to see that girl…. But his wish was not fulfilled… Rajan could not sleep at that night.. he kept dreaming about that girl.. again and again and again…
Next day, Rajan was more enthusiastic to play cricket than his cousin. But his cousin was somehow not interested. He had spotted the real reason behind Rajan’s newly found cricket enthusiasm and he was not very happy about it (for unknown reason)….
Somehow Rajan convinced his cousin and they played cricket. After numerous trials, Rajan was able to hit that Kapil Dev sixer, and ball was sent into the balcony for obvious reason.
Fortunately Uncle was not present at house. Balcony door opened and Rajan’s dream girl emerged. She smiled at Rajan and threw the ball.. Rajan replied “ thank you”.. Girl gingerly replied “ Please take care next time”… and she left the balcony…..
For Rajan it was heaven.. He elated as if he got the treasure of the world.. Everything else had become zero for him.. He started living another life.. It was like birth of another Rajan, who was more active and passionate.
Rajan spent whole day, in backyard… waiting for that girl. At night he could not sleep… he woke up at 2 AM and visited the backyard.. Entire world was sleeping.. Road separating his backyard from her balcony had turned silent… it was coolness and peace in atmosphere that he never was refreshing..
He kept looking at balcony, without any reason.. Suddenly his utter amazement, balcony’s door opened and that girl came out… They both looked at each other and it was surreal moment for both of them.. They did not know their names but ready to die for each other at this moment.. It’s called Love.. or first sight love and that balcony was only witness of their affection… After few moments, showing her affection to Rajan, Girl left the balcony…
Next day Rajan was determined to meet that Girl at any cost. At very first attempt, he hit the Six and ball landed up in the balcony. Now instead asking for the ball, He decided to present himself as her friend and went to her apartment. Her apartment was locked.. big lock was hanging. From neighbor, he learnt that they have moved to Jaipur early this morning.. They have moved… Girl had gone… and not returning back for long time… Disheartened Rajan returned to home, with heavy heart..
He had so many questions to ask.. to God, to that Girl and to his luck.. but he knew that he will not get any answers back… Those questions will remain … questions !!!! He cried very hard.. and after crying, he made up his mind.. He left Nagpur and reached Mumbai.
As he reached his home, he found his father having breakfast. His father was not interested in looking at him… He told his father “ Pappa, I want to join your business”… His father was shocked by his statement. He was more shocked by his changed attitude and firm voice. Father responded that he should finish his graduation first. Rajan replied that “ I will do both.. I will complete my graduation this year, but please give a seat in your office… as trainee, as a peon.. but please give me work… “ and tears rolled down his face.. His father had never anticipated such words from his son’s mouth… He hugged him. Rajan found his new passion in his work.. but that ball was still lying in the balcony… Dust was falling on it everyday… and thus he became a dusty ball..
After nearly 20 years, Rajan was holding that ball and his old memories awakened. It was this ball, this balcony and that Girl, transformed Rajan’s character from lazy to laborious. Without them, might  be Rajan would  never able to find his true potential.  Therefore Rajan wanted to buy this house. But he never shared his true reason  with anyone and neither he will. Some facts are too personal to share with anyone.
Lost in thoughts, Rajan was holding dusty ball in his hand. Sandhya commented “why don’t you throw that ball… it’s dusty “… Rajans didn’t replied and held the ball firmly.
Agent told that house owner is waiting for them at hotel nearby with all the papers. Rajan asked the name of owner. Agent replied “ Sapna Kulkarni”… Sapna.. the name Rajan wanted to know since long long time…
On the way Rajan asked more about Sapna. Agent described the story “ They moved to Jaipur, appx.  20 years ago. His father had sudden death in heart attack and they returned to Nagpur  15 years ago. Because of her beauty and kind nature, Sapna had numerous marriage proposals, but she refused all of them for unknown reason. Eventually her mother also died, leaving Sapna alone in this house. She was working in bank. It was hard for beautiful woman as Sapna to live alone in city like ours but she did not got married. Unfortunately one day, one of her office college sneaked into Sapna’s house from apartment’s balcony and raped her.. He was caught and Police found out that he was terribly in love with Sapna and wanted to get married. Sapna’s continues refusal had made him mentally unstable.
After that incident Sapna was in deep mental depression and went for psychiatrist-treatment. When she was recovered from mental trauma, she decided to leave this house for ever and currently staying at one rented house. Now she runs a NGO for rape victims. She claims that whatever money she will get from this house, she will donate it to her NGO. Very sad story.. “
Agent took a break for moment and then continued  I never understood, why she was not getting married ?? A marriage could have brought happiness to her life…
 Rajan was listening very intently. After Agent’s narration, Rajan felt terrible sense of guilt. “did she not married because of me !!! Am I responsible for her condition ??? Why I haven’t tried to find her !! ” These and many more doubts, thoughts kept emerging in Rajan’s  mind.  
Car halted and they got down. Rajan headed towards the hotel, where Sapna was waiting for him. As he saw Sapna, same lava which has been dormant for 20 years, started erupting again. Sapna’s age and traumatic past, could not vanish, charm of her beauty completely and Rajan was mesmerized again. Then he saw  his wife and controlled his emotions. He reminded himself that he is no longer teen ager boy but a father, husband and business tycoon. Practicality overruled emotionality.
Agent introduced Rajan to Sapna and they started talking about house deal. Rajan offered 6 Million Rupees for the apartment . Sapna and others were zapped by the offer. Sapna anticipated 4 million. She asked the reason for this overpriced offer. Rajan replied that “ I know you will donate this money to your NGO. Me, too want to contribute in this noble cause. “ Sapna thanked him and deal was closed at 6 Million within few minutes.
Agent took their signature on required documents. Agent ensured them that now Rajan need not to visit Nagpur further for dealing procedure. Rajan, Sandhya and Agent left the hotel table.
As Rajan was leaving the hotel, Sapna called him. He was forgetting something. He returned to her. Everybody else had left. Now there was just empty stupid table between them. Sapna handed over that dirty tennis ball to him and in very deep intense voice she told “ Mr.Rajan you are forgetting something.. this ball.. “ and she handed over that ball to him with deep pain in her eyes.
Rajan could not bear.. He collapsed on the chair.. Buried his face by his palms to hide the flowing tears… Sapna had nothing to say.. She put her arm on his shoulder and than just left…
After sometimes, he controlled himself, wiped out the tears and got into the car. Sandhya asked “ Are you going to stay in this house “. Rajan replied “never” and thrown the dirty ball out of car window..

The End
Vadan Mehta

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