Saturday, 5 May 2012

Short Film "Ek Mohra Ka Safar(Journey of a Pawn)"

Dear friends

This short film is visualization of Urdu Poem ““Ek Mohra Ka Safar(Journey of a Pawn). “

“Ek Mohra Ka Safar” is urdu poem written by Mr.Javed Akhtar in his album “Tarkash”.  “Ek Mohra Ka Safar” is based this rule of chess where pawn through it’s hard struggle and survival sense, turns into more powerful piece, hence winning the battle.  During the battle, Pawn loses all his dear ones into the battle. When he wins his battle, he had joy of victory and grief of loneliness in his heart.

I have used small sony camera to shoot and video editing freeware,  to edit the movie. I have used 80W CFL bulb and two pocket LED torches for the lighting purpose.

Please read the poem and enjoy the movie.
For Movie click on :

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