Saturday, 5 May 2012

The Fair Deal

The Fair Deal
At 1992 Miss Universe pageant, in final round Indian Model Madhu Sapre  was asked question” What will you do if you become prime minister of India for one day ? “ and she replied “ I will focus on creating more play grounds for children who aspire to be athletes” Watching live telecast of the event, my neighbour jumped from his chair.” What rubbish, we have so many other important problems as poverty, hunger, education ….and she wants to focus on sports!!” Next morning, newspapers were reciprocating the same..”Madhu had goofed up at last round and she lost the title by one foolish answer…” Entire episode had proven one fact… Sport as carrier,  has been last priority for Indian Middle Class and especially if sport is not cricket..
Time: 2011
Location: Volleyball Court (somewhere in Mumbai)

He jumped in the air and show ball is dashing on him.. he swung his arm and smashed the ball at precise speed and place.. Ball went shooting on opponents and no body dared to pick his smash… his team scored the much needed winning point… Celebration broke out..
Karan was gifted volleyball player. His aggression in smashing was very well known in his school. He loved to smash.. His service was good but smashing was electrifying.. He had talent. Karan had started playing volleyball at age of ten at their parking tuning into playground at his society. Slowly he developed interest in the game and joined school’s volleyball team. He had stamina, fitness and temper; much needed basic ingredients to be a sportsman.
Today Karan was more than happy. His school had won Junior inter school championship and he was chosen as player of tournament award. He rushed to his house with his trophy and beaming face. His parents celebrated his victory. His mother, Manjula made kheer and father, Chunilal gave him a pen as a gift. Karan kissed his much loved trophy again and again. Winning a trophy is a wonderful thing. It is recognition of hard work. It inspires to do more, motivates to achieve more..
That night Karan saw a dream that A door has opened and gush of sunshine was emanating from the room. Karan went inside the room and Room lit up with bright sun light.. Flowers petals were flying in the air.. He found another  door at opposite corner.. He opened that door and it was another room with white glow.. He inside the room and found another door at far end.. … His doors of opportunities are opening…..
Meanwhile Karan was lost in his inspiring dreams, his father Chunilal was disturbed. As Manjula switched off their bed room light and laid next to him. Chunilal murmured.. “ I am worried about Karan”. Manjual replied “why.. what happened !!”… Chunilal exhaled “ This volleyball… I am worried that Karan is playing too much of volleyball..”… Manjula surprised “ There is nothing to worry about it.  In fact this is good.. He is using his time in something creative, in stead of just playing online games or chatting on facebook “… Chunilal elaborated “Manjula, you don’t understand.. He is in 9th standard. Next year will be 10th….SSC board…  If does not start focussing on his studies now, he will have problem at 10th standard. He has to do well at 10th otherwise his entire future will jeopardize.”  Manula consoled him” Not to worry. He will focus on his studies. He understands that.. Even if he want to make carrier in volleyball, what’s wrong in it !!! “Listening to this, Chunilal shouted..” Are you mad !! Carrier in volleyball.. What he will get playing Volleyball !! A job in bank or railway for few thousands rupees !! There is no money in volleyball.. No money means no future… Cricket is different thing… I don’t’ like him playing volleyball.. !!  Manjua kept shut on this and slept,  leaving Chunilal alone with his worries.
Karan’s aim was to get selected in state junior volleyball team. He worked very hard for that. He played all the matches at various places, cities and towns. He kept practising his smashing technique and took care of his fitness. Entire year, He was totally committed to his passion, Volleyball.  Naturally his interest on his studies was diminishing. He could not concentrate on his subjects in his classroom. Karan passed 9th standard. His grades were not good as Chunilal expected.  His grades were dropped from A+ to B-, which was matter of great concern to his father. Whenever Chunilal saw Karan, he reminded him of studies. Seeing the passion and commitment of Karan for Volleyball, Chunilal could not dare him to stop from playing even if he heartily wished that…
Finally day had come for Karan to realize his yearlong dream to be in state’s junior team. Today Maharashtra volleyball Association had called all the deserving players for junior volleyball team selection. Karan, as expected was selected for Maharashtra state junior team. His wish was fulfilled. Now he will play for his state. He had to tour whole India to play volleyball.. His dream journey continued.
He reached home joyously with the news. Chunilal had shown some cosmetic pleasure to the news. At dinner, Chunilal was zapped by the fact that Karan has travel entire India for the volleyball matches. He wondered that about the missing school days !! Karan had no clear answer. Chunilal advised him that he is in 10th standard now and can’t afford to miss his classes & tuitions, in fact he should stop playing volleyball… Karan was very angry on this and left his dinner in midway.
Karan was facing window and staring darkness outside. Chunilal came to him and caressed his hair.. He urged Karan the importance of the education. He explained the future of volleyball player and the money he is going to earn out of volleyball. Karan looked at his father worried eyes.. Karan found hurting truth in his arguments. Chunilal requested Karan to focus on his studies and leave volleyball, at least for this year. Karan had never seen his father in such worried state.
His young mind was confused between his desire and his father’s plea. In fact both were equally appealing to him. He loved to play volleyball and that is also true that there is no great future for the sport. Half of his team-mates did not knew the captain of Indian volleyball team!!  Volleyball is not like Cricket where money and fame is residing. Nobody watches Volleyball. He remembered the empty stadiums of volleyball matches, he played or watched !!!! More the thought about the dilemma, more he got confused. It was like heart vs brain… dream vs reality.. Passion vs practicality!!
Bowing to family pressure, Karan started skipping his volleyball matches, only to spend more times with his text books. Karan used to lock himself for hours in his study room, not to study but to stare at his books.. As his body drifted away from volleyball court, his mind leaned more towards it. In his study room, Karan used to imagine about his volleyball practices, game strategies and team-mates… He drew volleyball court, on this mathematics worksheet. Passion is like magnetic force, one can’t be detached easily, once attached.
Karan did badly in his first monthly evaluation test.   Chunilal became very panic.. He literally begged Karan to focus on his studies. Influenced by Chunilal’s emotional appeal, Karan decided to focus on his studies and forget everything else. Lost in these thoughts, his cell phone rung. Call was from Maharashtra Volleyball Association. They told Karan to prepare for interstate tournament at Hariyana, next week. There will be 10 days of tour at Hariyana to play Volleyball against other state teams.
Karan was thrilled by the news. But very next moment his joy was disappeared. He remembered his resolution to focus on study. Extreme desire to play and Extreme pressure to study !!!   Perturbed Karan could not sleep. He did not have daring to speak to his father about the tour; neither he could let his dream shatter.
Finally next morning, he nervously raised the subject of the tour at breakfast table. Listening to him,
Chunilal jumped from his chair and shouted at him, for first time in his life. He ordered Karan to tour.. How can he be out of school for 10 days in such important SSC year !!!!! Having no other choice, Karan simply obeyed.
Karan went to Maharashtra Volleyball Association office and withdrew himself from the team. His application was accepted. As Karan came out of the office, He felt very heavy heart… He realized that his long cherished dream had just died… died in front of him.. He wanted to cry aloud.. He felt that earth beneath him is cracking and hot Lava is emanating from it.. He felt that big skyscraper above him is about to fall… Cars surrounding him are blown apart and flying in air as if birds… He tightly closed his ears and eyes….
From that day onwards, Karan’s interaction with outer world became minimal. Chunilal took that as sign of his growing seriousness to his studies.  Karan, locked in his room kept thinking about why it is so bad to play volleyball !! What’s wrong in following his passion !! Is money everything in the world ! May be he can win Gold medal for India in Olympics !! May be he can contribute in popularizing Volleyball in India and the world !!!
Karan kept engulfed himself in such thoughts, growing his inner frustration. Finally, Karan decided that he will bluntly tell his father that he can’t study and will  play volleyball only, even if he throws him out of house. Karan dashed out of his room and stood right in front of Chunilal. Chunilal was reading news paper and he looked at Karan from his glasses. Karan was speechless in front of his father.. He could not be blunt as he thought.. There was some unknown force, preventing him from doing so.. Chunilal asked him “What !!!”.. Karan could hardly open his mouth and spoke “I… need some money… thousand “… Chunilal gave him money, without asking the reason.
Karan was not scared of his father. His problem was that he loved him…
Karan dashed out his house and went to beer bar.  He drank as much beer he can. Finally he headed towards his house, with each step fumbling.. He was walking on the road aimlessly. He had no direction.  He saw a car approaching him and BANG… Car hit him… He jumped in the air by car-hit.. When he was in air, he saw a ball approaching him. He raised his arm to Smash it… Everything went blank afterwards.
When Karan opened his eyes, he was in hospital bed with his family surrounding him. Nearest was his father Chunilal. His mother was weeping hard. Chunilal caressed his hair and very sad voice explained to him :
You were hit hard by a car. You right leg was totally damaged and doctors have to amputate it. You have no right leg now.. You have to use crutches  for entire life.”
Karan looked at his body and found no right leg. Tears rolled down on his cheeks … “I have no right leg.. I can’t walk on my own.. I can’t play volleyball… I can’t play volleyball… “
Suddenly his sadness evaporated. “ Thank god I can’t play volleyball now.. I am ineligible to play the game.. Now I can focus on my education completely without any confusion. Pain of not able to follow the passion is much worse than loosing one leg… Destiny has given me a fair deal..”
He leaned back and exhaled relaxed breath..


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