Saturday, 14 December 2013

Alfred’s Turkey Day

Alfred’s Turkey Day

A turkey, named Alfred, was living at turkey-farm, along with his friend Juno and Robert They were living happily in their congested, close space.  Their farm was surrounded by a giant wall. That walled sphere, was Alfred’s only world. His world was consist of his friends, his farm, his food.… nothing else. He had no other imagination than what is inside that giant wall.
His owners gave fed him regularly. He kept fattening his body larger and bigger as his owners wanted.
That giant wall had developed cracks and owners decided to build new one.  The Old wall was razed down and new one was in construction.
As wall was brought down, Alfred and his friends saw outside world for first time. They were amazed to see blue sky, fluffy clouds, flat road & moving cars, green grass-filled pavements & fascinating people walking on it, trees filled with birds and their voices. Alfred was astonished to see other birds were flying freely using their wings. Alfred also had wings but he had never tried to fly. Alfred, Juno and Robert kept watching outside world with their stunned eyes. Looking at flying birds, their nests, desire for freedom got sparked for a moment and died down soon after. For a farm turkey, freedom to fly in blue sky,  can’t be even very distant dream in their wildest imagination !!!!
Suddenly a crow passed by. Alfred  shouted to him “ wait who are you !” Crow stopped for a moment. He came nearer and proudly introduced himself "I m cranky crow. Are you turkey ?? ”. Alfred humbly replied "yes.. I am  turkey. "Alfred wondered how he  learnt to fly so high ? Crow arrogantly smirked " You need to live in open sky to learn it. You can not learn flying by staying in such congested  cage." Listening to him Juno felt bit insulted. He argued back " Even-if we can’t fly, we are happier than you. Our owners feed us so much…  Look at our body and yours ! ". Robert and Juno chuckled at Crow’s little body.  Crow got agitated at their joke. He blasted " Your owner feed so  you became fat and  more people can eat you. Solely purpose of your miserable life is death. You live only for dying.. You have no dreams, ambitions or hope… You are nothing but big bag of meat in-waiting to be cooked. " and he left.
Others have ignored his hurting words, but Alfred could not. He kept thinking " Is death is only purpose of my life ? Am good for nothing ? Am I just a bag of meat ?”
Demand for Turkey meat shoots up during Thanksgiving time. Cold breeze of November, made farm turkeys excited because Thanksgiving Day is coming and their life is going to end soon. Excitement  was about who will be picked first and betting had already started on Alfred’s name.
Owners came and started weighing turkeys. Alfred’s weight was in range and owner marked him red, means next day he will be slaughtered. Juno and other friends came to bid farewell. No one was sad because death was only expectation they had from life.
Last night of his life, Alfred was not afraid of death. But he was sad for his aimless life. Under dim light of bulb, He rest his head on newly built wall and thought " Can I  have purpose of my life ? Can I be something more than just a bag of meat ?" But what possibly he can do ! Next morning he was placed on slaughter line and he was waiting for blade to fall on him. He prayed intensely  "Oh God, please provide purpose to my existence. If not my life, let my death make someone happy .. ". Blade fell upon him and Alfred was no more.
Belief in God is stronger than God !! It’s believer’s faith in god that gives legitimacy to God’s power.
Alfred’s body was cut, chopped, packed and sent to nearby grocery store.
Few miles away, Mayer family was having annual thanksgiving turkey dinner. As part of family tradition, Mayer family used to celebrate thanksgiving together. Festival of Thanksgiving should be  bringing  family members closer but at Mayer family, quite opposite is happening. Growing differences between young and old Mayer brothers had disrupted the spirit of thanksgiving. Papa Mayer and Mama Mayer can see the growing conflict in the family and very much worried about the future of family thanksgiving celebration. Hearty laughs and innocent jokes were replaced by pesky taunts and accusations.

Bone of contention was younger Mayer’s unemployed status.  Elder Mayer was highly paid HR manager of  IT multinational  company, while younger Mayer was struggling to find decent job for survival. He was hard working and smart, but lack of experience in advanced technologies, was stumbling block in getting decent job.  Slowing economy, rising automation and outsourcing, IT world had become very competitive and he required strong recommendation to endorse his CV.
 Young Mayer was jobless since last one year and on verge of loosing his much loved girlfriend as well. His girl friend had given ultimatum of 1 month to young Mayer to find a decent job or she will leave.  Now Young Mayer knew that  Love also has expiry date in 21st century.
Young Mayer believed that Elder Mayer’s recommendation can get him good job. But he was hesitating to ask favour from his brother,
"He should help me to find a job. He is HR manager, his word of recommendation, would defiantly give me nice job. Can’t he do one favour for me ! He is my brother. Can’t he see my pathetic condition !! Does he want me to beg ! "
Elder Mayer had no doubt about his brother's ability to hard work but he was waiting for his brother to ask for help. "I have worked hard and persuaded my superiors to accept my abilities. Sometime I nearly begged to win their good will. He has to request me for help, even if he is my brother".

This was the dilemma. Both brothers were waiting for another one to take first step. In close relationships, during hard times, people have to move forward to help. Since no one was willing to do that they moved backwards and reached to a point of total collapse. Mayer family was collapsing. Festival of thanksgiving tightens the family bond but exactly opposite is happening in Mayer’s family.
Brothers and their families,  didn’t talk to each other and house was turned into war zone of egos. Small matter as selecting colour of dinner table mat sparked ego battles and negativity.  As a result, Papa and Mamma Mayer were very disappointed and thinking of calling of thanksgiving party from next  year. To preserve the spirit of Thanksgiving, Family required somebody to unit two brothers.. someone who can melt their egos and inspire feeling of brotherhood. Papa and Mamma Mayer were too old and too fragile to do that. They have lost hope and thanksgiving dinner had became mere formality.. without any heart and soul.
Turkey was cooked and served on the table. Family members were sitting around the table.. silently .. just to eat, without any enthusiasm. Food was passed around and shared silently.

Papa Mayer finished prayer and family begun to eat.

And !!!!!
Something strange started happening. As turkey meat was chewed and gulped down into darkness of belly, family members started feeling happiness.. Magically positive energy started flowing into the air and dead thanksgiving spirit enlivened. Suddenly Papa Mayer got burst of energy and told about his first encounter with Mama Mayer. Every body enjoyed his juicy story. They have heard this story before, but this time they were feeling it and enjoying it. They were listening as family. Every body cracked jokes and shared funny incidents over dinner table. Every body told something good and every body enjoyed.
But what about conflict between younger and elder Mayer ? As younger Mayer ate
Turkey, his desire to speak with his brother grew intensely. He just wanted to hug his brother and apologize for bad feelings. He was remembering all the good things his brother has done for him. He remembered that his brother has paid his college tuition fee for one semester, his advise during graduation final examination, his gifted engineering books .. ... He was feeling obliged by his elder brother. He has never thought of this before... He did not knew what happened to him suddenly, Who is converting his hateful thoughts into inspiring ideas !!
Elder Mayer cell phone rung. It was official call. He went inside to attend the call. After some time he got back and continued with his dinner. He briefly look at Younger Mayer and slowly said to him " Are you willing to relocate at Chicago ! We have an opening "Young Mayer had no words to express his joy. He muttered " yes, I will". Elder Mayer replied " Good i have already suggested your name. You can expect interview call at any time next week. I will share materials to read". Younger Mayer said " thank you" with nearly tearful eyes. Papa Mayer and Mamma Mayer saw that and they kissed each other in celebration…
Who made this change ! Who brought spirit of true thanksgiving to Mayer family???
Alfred's soul was flying on the Mayer's family dinner table... thanking God for making his turkey body worthy to bring peace to Mayer's family.  :)

The end

Written by Vadan Mehta
Date 14 Dec 2013