Friday, 23 May 2014

Smile of Red Bus

It was bright winter day. Mild winter child, mixed with Mr.Golden sun is terrific combination.
Tina and her daughter Alia, were heading towards bus stop from Alia’s school. It was their daily routine. Alia was 5  years old girl, student of Rainbow private preschool. Tina, female 37 was software enginner, and now a housewife.  While Alia’s father Abbas was busy in minting money for his family, Tina took care of everything as paying utility bills, Alia’s schooling, lunch & dinner, shopping, grocery, taxes  etc. Sometimes she felt that life as software engineer was much easier than housewife. Housewife is 24 X 7 X 365  job, without any vacation.  But point is, She was enjoying her life and family was happy.
They reached to bus stop.  
There are two bus alternatives from school to home. Green Bus and Red bus. Tina always preferred green bus as it’s frequency was higher and it was dropping closer than red bus. But somehow since last few days, Alia was more tempted to take Red bus. Due to  Alia’s insistence, Tina unwillingly  riding Red bus. But not today…
Today Tina was behind her schedule. She had dental appointment and she was already spent more time in chatting with Alia’s teacher. It was important for Tina to reach home early, have lunch and visit dentist before Abbas arrives. Abbas had invited friends for the dinner, thus she required time to prepare meal and if something was missing, she might need to go to grocery store.  Her engineering mind was logically drawing flow chart of tasks and scheduling activities. She decided she has to reach home early, by taking Green bus.
She told Alia : Alia today we have to take Green bus as we are getting late.
Little Alia, engrossed in talking with her imaginary fairy friends, thrown into reality..
Alia: No mamma, we can’t take Green bus.. it’s bad.. I don’t like it.
Tina: Alia.. I am telling you we have to take green bus.. I have dentist appointment..
Alia quizzed: why ?
Tina: Because my tooth is paining so I need to meet dentist.
Alia: Will he make you cry ?
Tina: No.. he will not make me cry.. Doctor never make anyone cry.. they help us..
Alia quizzed again: You are not scared of going to dentist.
Tina: No.. I am not scared.. and neither you should be.. ok.. so  we have to take Green bus..
Alia looked at her.
Alia: No mamma, I don’t want to take Green bus..
Tina: We have to take.. you don’t have an option.
Alia: I want to take Red bus..
Tina(loosing temper) : Why don’t you understand.. we will get late (her voice got harder). We have to take Green bus.
Little Alia looked up to her mother and saw that Mr. Golden sun got covered by dark gloomy clouds. She got tense and tears were about to fall from her little eyes.
Alia: I don’t want to ride Green bus.. I don’t like that..
Looking at Alia’s grief stricken face, mother Tina calm down and understood that this matter requires elaborate attention. She looked at the eyes of Alia and told
Tina: What is problem, Alia ? Green bus is as good as Red bus. It’s just color difference. Green bus is faster. Please help me to take Green bus.
Alia: No.. I don’t’ like .. fast Bus. It scare me..
Tina had no time to convince little child’s stubbornness or she had any inclination to go deeper into the world of Alia and understand her perspective. She changed her tactic.
Tina: Ok.. hmm… I can give you Pink candies, if you take Green bus.
Alia’s eyes glowed for while but she resisted temptation.
Alia: No.. you told me that pink candies spoil tooth.. like your’s.. I don’t want to go to dentist.
Tina increased her dose of temptation.
Tina: Ok.. I will give you chocolate ice cream, your favorite. You can eat today.. OK..
Unbearable force of temptation, shock Alia. But she dealt with it and firm on her demand.
Alia; No.. I can get cough .. I don’t want it..
Tina was confused because her temptation tactic is not working. The arguments she was using to stop Alia from over-eating candies and ice cream, backfiring now.
Green bus was arriving. Tina changed approach and decided to use force, as temptation was not working. Stick and Carrot approach. Carrot did not work, so now ruler is using stick.
She yelled at Alia.
Tina: Alia.. we have to take this bus.. .come on..
She tried to drag Alia but Alia was firmly holding bus-stop bar. She resisted vehemently. She was stronger in pursing her path, especially after curbing the desire of heavenly candies and ice-cream.
God has given superior physical force to adults and ability to generate loud, shrilling   cry to children as resistance.  Perfect balancing act.
As Tina used her physical force, Alia emanated ear-piercing sound (call it crying) People around looked at duo and that embarrassed Tina.
Tina gave up.. Green bus left.
All passengers were boarded on Green bus, leaving mother-daughter alone at the  bus-stop.
Tina was very upset. She sat on bench, looked at little Alia and shouted “ HAPPY !! ”..
Little Alia was confused. She was feeling her mother’s pain but not sure how to deal with it. She took Tina’s hand, tugged towards her.. and urged “Mamma”.
Tina was not looking at her..
Alia urged once again “Mamma, look at me.. “
Tina did not responded..
It was tense moment for mother and daughter.. Alia’s touch & tug, mixed with urged voice, was melting her mountain of anger, exponentially.
For little Alia, her mother’s unresponsiveness was unbearable. She could tolerate anger, yell  or even slap but mother’s turning face was like mother is not accepting her existence.  She climbed to Tina’s lap and hold her face and urged third time “ Mamma look at me..” in  a very pitiful tone(as best as she can) .
Meanwhile, Tina’s anger mountain had already submerged.. she turned her face to Alia.
What !!”
Mother’s turned face, and Alia’s existence bounced back.
Alia and Tina looked at each other in eyes. It was moment of love and moment of mutual exchange....
Alia smiled and “Redbus .. Ok”..
Tina (hiding her smile) : Ok..
Just now Tina lived precious moment of her life and unfortunately she did not knew about it.
Tina re-scheduled her dental appointment and her logical mind started making new flowcharts and schedules. She was confused about the reason behind Alia’s intense liking for Red bus.
Red bus arrived and door opened.
Lady bus driver looked at Alia and welcomed her with her usual note.
Bus driver; Hi.  Young Princess welcome on-board ! Shall I take you to the  land of mermaids ? 
Alia looked at bus driver, smiled and jumped in utter happiness. Someone had  called her Princess.. It was divine feeling.. It made her day..
Now Tina noticed it.. She thanked bus driver for her kind gesture.
Mother and Daughter were settled on seat.
Tina asked Alia: Do you like when bus lady calls you princess.
Alia smiled : Yes
Tina: Does it make you day ?
Alia smiled: Yes
Tina: Ok.. than we will always take Red bus..
Alia looked outside the  window.. dark clouds were gone.. and Mr. Golden sun was shining again.. Sending lots of kisses to little Alia..

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful story Vadan. I was hooked till the end. Your narration brought this entire story as a motion picture to me.
